Kogama Create Your House
category: multiplayer
total played: 105367

Description and Control

Kogama Create Your House is a building game which seems like a little complicated like Minecraft. Grab some friends and build your own house, castle, store, or anything else your creative heart desires!

How to play: Play Mode: Arrow keys for movements, Space to jump, K to respawn, Left mouse button to shoot, V to drop the equipped weapon, E to use nearby object, Q to holster equipped weapon, Enter or T to show chat, ESC or M for menu, TAB to show players and change chat. Edit Mode: Right mouse button for free fly mode. Shift to fly fast, Space or E to fly up, Left Ctrl or C to fly down, PgDn to move workplane down, PgUp to move workplane up, P to toggle between Play and Edit mode, 1 to edit cube, 2 to delete cube, 3 to paint cube, G to change grid snap size, F to toggle workplane, L to toggle show logic cubes, R to change cube material, I to open inventory, N to create new model, V to focus on selected object, Q to copy selected object.

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